MM Antverpia

Strategy / Branding / Products / Touchpoints / Activation

What if Antwerp’s grandeur could be captured in a bottle? We developed a stately branding, bottle and packaging for MM’s three refined distillates: Gin 1501, Amaretto 1905 and Pastis 1794, honoring the city’s heritage, atmosphere and friendships.

A monumental bottle for a monumental drink

MM’s bottle’s design features the monumental details of the Central Station, rising above the water of ‘t Scheldt, and Antwerp’s traditional royal crest. The centerpiece of the bottle is the station clock, which we translated into the bottle’s label. The colors of each label were carefully chosen to evoke the distinct flavor profiles of each distillate.

Balancing tradition and innovation

MM’s visual identity delicately balances contemporary and classic elements, from typography to photography. The outcome is a group of consistent, high-end touchpoints that evoke the city’s rich history and celebrates its modern spirit.

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